Mrs. COLORADO® & Miss CO for America

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Parker Days Festival

I had a great time kicking off the Parker Days Festivities with meteorologist, Ashton from Channel 9 news and my "sister titleholders" Janel Ames, Mrs. Parker and Shelly Sylvius, Mrs. Douglas County.

Following our Channel 9 interview.

We were so flattered to have a police escort take us to our spot in the parade.

Shelly Silvius, Mrs. Douglas County 2008, myself and the proud police officer, Janel Ames, Mrs. Parker 2008 and Valerie Boyd, Mrs. Arapahoe County 2008 all were part of the Parker Days festivities.

My princess Lila was having trouble being patient waiting for the Ferris Wheel to open.

After the Ferris Wheel!!

My daughter, Lila, found a good use for my crown & banner case while waiting for the parade to start. She collected over 20 roll-y poll-y's! Yep, all in my crown bucket!

Family & friends enjoying the festivities at the Parker Days Festival.