Kickfit Sports Magazine Article

A week after winning the title of Mrs. Colorado, my trainer Ray Kahn of Kickfit Sports, wanted to run a story on my "winning work-out" in his on line magazine.

"Me???" I replied, "in a fitness magazine?"

I was thrilled to be able to share the story of all of my hard work to get into shape for the Mrs. Colorado pageant.

The article is published in the July issue of Kick Fit Sports.

Check out the article on then click on the Kick Fit Sports Icon.

Use your arrow keys or click on the arrows shown to flip through the pages.

I must admit the article shows quite a "lighter work-out" than the actual training that I did during my preparations for the pageant but Ray didn't want to scare anyone away with ALL the details of my workouts! He "kicked" my butt into shape after my second baby like a drill sergeant would! But it was all worth it, I needed it!
Hope you enjoy . . .

I had great fun shooting the pics.

Thanks again Ray for the "boot camp" workouts! U rock!

The Bunco Queen Pageant

What a fun night in Highlands Ranch! Proctor & Gamble sponsored a national contest call the Ultimate Bunco Bash. Participants wrote in and described their Ultimate Bunco Bash. The best descriptions won. One of the winners was Michelle Medina of Highlands Ranch, CO who chose a pageant theme. The prize was $1,000 and the assistance to help throw the ultimate party. Proctor & Gamble contacted me to be a "surprise" guest at their party and judge the Bunco Queen Pageant. WHAT FUN!

To show their appreciation, the ladies presented me with a $500 check to the American Heart Association on behalf of the "Highlands Ranch Wives" donated by Prilosec OTC.
Thank you SO much. It was an honor to be there!

The Bunco Queen and myself, enjoying the night as "The Queens".

The crowning moment!! She was a doll! She actually cried. LOVE HER! She played the part of Mrs. Massachusetts Bunco, but walked away as The Bunco Queen!

Bunco Queen 2008!

The top 5 finalist!Mrs. Massachusetts Bunco, Mrs. California Bunco, Miss Denver Bunco, Mrs. Evergreen Bunco, and Mrs. South Carolina Bunco.

Winner of the national contest, Michelle Medina (who played the role of Mrs. Colorado Bunco), myself and The Bunco Queen!

The freelance producer that was hired by Proctor & Gamble, Daisey Mertzel. She was responsible for putting on the winning party for these ladies. Thanks for organizing the donation to the American Heart Association and thanks for treating me like a "queen". I had a blast!!

Enjoying the life of a "Queen"!

Parker Days Festival

I had a great time kicking off the Parker Days Festivities with meteorologist, Ashton from Channel 9 news and my "sister titleholders" Janel Ames, Mrs. Parker and Shelly Sylvius, Mrs. Douglas County.

Following our Channel 9 interview.

We were so flattered to have a police escort take us to our spot in the parade.

Shelly Silvius, Mrs. Douglas County 2008, myself and the proud police officer, Janel Ames, Mrs. Parker 2008 and Valerie Boyd, Mrs. Arapahoe County 2008 all were part of the Parker Days festivities.

My princess Lila was having trouble being patient waiting for the Ferris Wheel to open.

After the Ferris Wheel!!

My daughter, Lila, found a good use for my crown & banner case while waiting for the parade to start. She collected over 20 roll-y poll-y's! Yep, all in my crown bucket!

Family & friends enjoying the festivities at the Parker Days Festival.

Mrs. Colorado Baby Shower & BBQ

Three former queens are having babies! We had lots of fun opening baby gifts and talking "girl talk". There was SOOO much talking going on, this was the only photo that I got.

Paula, Mrs. Colorado1995 is having a boy and Tiffany, Mrs. Colorado 2007 is having a boy and Elizabeth, Mrs. Colorado 2003 is having a girl.

Congratulations ladies!!

The Denver Heart Walk

We had such a great time at the Denver Heart Walk on June 7th. So overwhelming to see thousands of people come together to bring awareness to the #1 killer in our nation . . . heart disease. Thank you SO much to our family & friends who came out to be a part of the "Sacha Team".

A BIG thank you to everyone to donated on behalf of our team. The Heart Walk web page is not updated yet to show all the donations but will be soon. Our team raised over $500. Thank you!

We had two survivors on our team! Rita Case is a stroke survivor. She suffered a stroke at age 16. She proudly wears her stroke "survivor hat". And my husband, John, who survived a massive heart attack in Nov. of last year. You two, along with thousands of others, were the reason for this huge celebration! WE LOVE YOU!!

My favorite survivor and darling husband, John. I'm glad he was there to wear his "survivor hat".

I was able to give a quick interview with my ole' pals, Denise Pante and Marke McIntosh, from Colorado & Company with Channel 9, who were covering the event.

Rita Case, Mrs. Jefferson County 2008 and Michelle Field, Mrs. Highlands 2008

A special thank you to my "sister titleholders" for coming out to be a part of our team. It was SO great to have you ladies there.

We were so honored to support all of the survivors. Several even held up signs as we walked.

Childrens Hospital . . . A day I will never forget!

The face of an angel!!!

This is Taylen a brave little girl that I had the pleasure to spend time with today. One of her family members (Valerie Boyd, Mrs. Colorado contestant 2008) called the Mrs. Colorado office to see if I could come and surprise her and help her celebrate her last chemo-therapy treatment after a year of treatments! I couldn't wait to meet her! She was the sweetest, most positive, brave little girl I have ever laid eyes on. I got to spend over an hour with the family getting to know them, and what a treat that was! I walked away after meeting her knowing that I would never forget her. She has experienced more hardship in her young life than most people will ever face. Her beautiful face is forever in my head!

I was honored to be a part of her celebration!!

Her big sister, Tyanna has been such a rock for her little sister. I couldn't help but praise her strength as well. Her parents, Regina and Ty are so strong for keeping it together. You could sense the overwhelming sense of "gratefullness" about them. I even got to meet G-ma & G-pa, who of course made me smile. Truly a great family! Thank you for letting me share this day with you!

A special THANK YOU to TIMBUK TOYS who supplied me with over 30 sticker books to give to all the patients that I met with. The kids really enjoyed them! Especially the crown stickers!!

Taylen, her big sis Tyanna and myself. I brought them both fuzzy stuffed puppy dogs for their brave journey and success. I was so touched by their love for one another and SOOOO grateful I was able to spend time with them.

Sharing stories with these beautiful sisters was the best part of my day! Only 8 years old, Taylen, had experienced more "life" than I think I have in all of my 36 years! What a brave little girl. I was honored to be a part of her day.
Then I was off to do my rounds to all of the patient's rooms. It was truly a day I will never forget!

Sweet Amanda. She is going to be something great someday ~ she reached out and shook my hand and kept her little brother "in check" while we visited. I love a strong woman! She was such a pleasure to meet!

Little Miss Andrea. When I walked into the room with that crown on, her eyes got as big as golf balls! She was so in awww of the crown, she barely said one word. Little did she know, I was just as enamored with her! She had eyes of a movie star!

Princess Bailey! This one was a girl after my own heart! She had a crown pillow in her room and crown stickers on her scrap book . . . now thats a true princess! She couldn't speak but her smile was worth a 1000 words. I had to go visit her twice because her smile was so infectious!

Miss Haley, my sweetie from Montana. She was getting ready to go home today after 12 days of being in the hospital . . . YEAH! I asked her if she was going to be the future Mrs. Colorado, she adorably replied (with her hand on her hip), "Nope, but I WILL be the future Mrs. Montana!" I love her spunk!

My wonderful escort for the day and one of Childrens Hospital's best volunteers, Donna.

Fun at the Photo Shoot!

This past Tuesday I had my first photo shoot as Mrs. Colorado. It was lots of fun! The crown is a great prop!! Meagon Anderson from Graphique Fine Art Photography, always makes picture taking fun!

My make-up artist, Kari Kisch from "Make-up by Kari" was on hand to help me look my best. Thank you Kari!!

State Director, Tricia Dampier was also on hand to give her expertise. She has been to Mrs. America 17 times . . . I love to hear all of her great stories! Thank you Tricia for this opportunity!

What a fun day. Thanks ladies!

Mrs. Wyoming Pageant

Myself with Mrs. America 2008, Kelly McBee.
I had a great night attending the Mrs. Wyoming pageant! It was fun to watch the show, but I was still nervous! Whew, I know what it feels like to be up there. It was a great group of ladies.

My first stop when I arrived was to grab a photo with Kelly McBee, Mrs. America 2008. Kelly will be leaving this week for Russia to compete in the Mrs. World pageant. Best of Luck Kelly, you are fabulous!!!

Congratulations to the new Mrs. Wyoming, Michelle Woodard!! Job well done! I look forward to creating some great memories at Mrs. America!

Miss Wyoming, Cassie Shore was on the judging panel. It was great to see her again. I was on staff at the Miss Wyoming USA pageant last year when she won then got to go to Las Vegas to cheer her on at Miss USA. Cassie, you look fabulous!

2002 Alumni!! What a rare opportunity to see these ladies reminisce about Mrs. America in 2002. Mrs. Colorado 2002, Mrs. Nebraska 2002 and Mrs Wyoming 2002 enjoy reuniting!

Christy Williams, Mrs. Littleton and a top ten finalist at Mrs. Colorado. Great to see her again.

Also there cheering on the Wyoming contestants was Karalyn Hoefer, 1st R.U. to Mrs. Nebraska in 2007. I will be in Nebraska in a couple of weeks to cheer her on as she tries again for the title of Mrs. Nebraska. Good Luck Karalyn, you are gorgeous!

Colorado & Company Channel 9

On Friday, May 30th, I was a featured guest on the morning show Colorado & Company on Channel 9. I was able to promote the Heart Walk on June 7th. They also aired footage of the crowning moment. It was my first time seeing it. Wow, I jumped around like a crazy girl!

I also had the opportunity to talk about the great things I have experienced in the Mrs. Colorado pageant. It was a wonderful opportunity and I was SO honored to be a part of the show.

Be sure to check out their show on weekday mornings at 10 a.m. They always cover great things going on in Colorado.

Hope to see some of you at the Heart Walk on June 7th downtown at the Performing Arts Complex. We will be meeting in front of the Curtis Hotel at 7:30 a.m. The survivors start walking at 8:15. There will be food, music, activities for kids and of course, heart attack & stroke survivors with their family & friends. If you want to donate to the American Heart Association you can do it at the registration booth in honor of the "John & Christina Sacha Team".

Take care and "live heart healthy"!


My first appearance as Mrs. Colorado . . . how fun!

Me with the hosts of the morning show of Kool105, Tracy & Jonathan.

The Monday morning after winning Mrs. Colorado, I had the pleasure to be a guest on the morning show of Kool105 with host Tracy Taylor (Mrs. Lodo 2008) and her co-host Jonathan. I had so much fun. It was a great way to start my year as Mrs. Colorado. Be sure to listen to Kool105 in the mornings . . . Tracy & Jonathan are so fun!

I don't think it has settled in??

Wow, I don't think it has settled in that I'm Mrs. Colorado! I still giggle when I hear it! I have a busy year ahead of me but am looking forward to it. I'm very excited about nationals. Mrs. America will be in Tucson, AZ Aug. 26 - Sept 2.

I had my first appearance on Monday at Kool105 radio with Tracy Taylor (Mrs. LoDo 2008) and her co-host Jonathon. I had so much fun. I will post the MP copy of it here when I get it.

I will be on Colorado & Company in the a.m. of May 30th. Make sure to tune in, I'm hoping to share some great stories from pageant weekend.

If any of you local titleholders want to do appearances together or have an organization that you are passionate about and want me to join you, give the office a call. I would love to see all of you throughout the year!

Last but not least . . . the annual "Heart Walk" is Saturday June 7th. My family and I have been signed up for quite sometime to celebrate my husband's survival of a heart attack. Now that I'm Mrs. Colorado I'm hoping to recrute even more people to come and support the cause. If you would like to make a donation to the American Heart Association or come down and join our team contact me at My husband would be so touched to have a big group of us march beside him to support such a great organization. Heart Disease is the #1 killer in our country. Help us, help them . . . educate and prevent!

Again, thank you to all of the contestants who made last weekend such a great and memorable experience. Hope to hear from or see you soon!!

Christina Sacha

Mrs. Colorado 2008

Yeah! I finally did it!

Hello, I am Christina Sacha and I'm so excited to be the new Mrs. Colorado!

After being 1st R.U. for the past two years, I finally heard my name called as Mrs. Colorado 2008. What an amazing moment! Congratulations to all the beautiful contestants. All of you ladies were awesome!

Embracing the moment!

With my handsome husband, John.

The top ten! What a great group of ladies!

Autograph Signing at PX (Ft. Carson)

On Friday, May 2nd I had an official autograph signing of the April 2008 Military Spouse magazine at Ft. Carson's PX (Post Exchange).
I'm pictured above with a good friend of the family, Sergio Rangel and his friend.
My magazine! It's so weird to see yourself on the cover.
With Jenny Smith, my manager for the day. You can see the inside spread of the magazine on the table with Nathan and myself.
With a fan.

With a shy little guy.

Mrs. Virginia Pageant (Chesapeake, VA)

On Sunday, April 28 I was a judge at the Mrs. Virginia Pageant in Chesapeake, VA. Megan Mele from Harrisonburg was the proud winner. Good luck Megan at Mrs. America! With the new Mrs. VA, Megan Mele
Pictured with Mrs. VA and judges
Pictured with Mrs. VA, husband Chris, and judges
Pictured with Mrs. VA and my mom :)

Down Syndrome Association Dinner (Colorado Springs)

On Friday, April 18 Nathan and I were invited to attend the Down Syndrome Associations' annual dinner at the Phantom Canyon Restaurant in Colorado Springs. I met a very special little boy with down syndrome, and his mother about a month ago at my Patsy's Candy Appearance, and we've been in touch ever since. She was so kind to invite us to their dinner to learn more about the CSDSA (Colorado Springs Down Syndrome Association).
Pictured above with Brittany, a.k.a Topanga, a senior at Mesa Ridge High School. Brittany started a program called Down with Mesa at her school to bring awareness to down syndrome.
With my honey.

Military Spouse Magazine - April 2008 Issue

I was so excited when the Military Spouse magazine called me in February and asked if they could put me on the cover of their April 2008 issue! Attached is the picture of the cover and my article is called "Beauty and the Brave - Interview with Tiffany Sawyer, Mrs. Colorado 2007 and proud military spouse".
There was also a great article on the inside spread about starting the Miss Patriotic Colorado Pageant for the Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund. This year the Miss Patriotic Colorado Pageant will be held on July 19 and is open to Girls ages 0-23 yrs and Boys 0-6 yrs. Please check out the website at for more info and how to enter. There were also pictures of Nathan and some VFW appearances I've done throughout my year.

Project C.U.R.E. Luncheon at Castle Pines Country Club (Castle Pines)

On Wednesday, April 16th I attended a 2nd luncheon and fashion show for Project C.U.R.E. at the Castle Pines Country Club. Project C.U.R.E. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, humanitarian relief organization that collects medical supplies and equipment and donates it to developing countries. For more information please visit
The Jasmine Boutique, from Castle Pines, outfitted all the ladies for the fashion show, and they looked GREAT! For more info. please visit
Pictured with Cheri Issel and Barbara Goldy who helped organize this event.
With Barbara Jacobsen from Project C.U.R.E.
With Janell Ames, Mrs. Parker, and Melissa Kraft, Mrs. Castle Pines.


Teen with a Dream (Denver Science Museum)

On April 5th I attended the 4th Annual Teen With a Dream charity dinner and silent auction at the Denver Science Museum. Teen With a Dream™ is a 501 (c) (3) charity founded specifically to enrich the lives of pediatric cancer patients—and the lives of their families—by combating the effects of social isolation and loneliness during chemotherapy through specialized social, educational, and financial programs. For more information please visit
With Spencer Harrison, the founder of Teen With a Dream. In 2003, 14-year old Spencer Harrison spent most of his year fighting for his life. While the year was a tough one for both Spencer and his family, the 14-year-old chose to draw strength from his experience and help others undergoing the lonely, painful process of chemotherapy.With the entertainment, Kai Brown and his brother Rohin

With one of the scholarship winners.

With the host, Mitch Jelniker, ABC Channel 7 News in Denver.

Blossom Festival Pageant (Canon City)

On March 22 I was a judge at the annual Canon City & Music Blossom Festival Pageant, which is celebrating their 63rd year! The Blossom Pageant offers much more than a rhinestone tiara, sash, and a title. It allows them to practice hands on interview skills necessary for their future, gives them the opportunity to work on their public speaking abilities, teaches them to be comfortable in their own skin by boosting self-confidence, and makes memories to last a lifetime. For more information please visit their website at

With my fellow judges, Ed & Patti Galligher and Christina Sacha.

Judges pictured with the new queen, Tanessa White.
With Christina and Debi Moore, Mrs. Colorado 1994
With Christina and Megan Yarberry, the Director of Blossom Pageant.
With Debi.
With my husband, Nate.

Patsy's Candy Open House & Fundraiser (Colorado Springs)

Patsy's Candy, in Colorado Springs, celebrated their 105th Anniversary this past weekend. They opened their "behind the scenes doors" to the public and gave free tours all day to show how their candy is made. They also raised money for the Colorado Springs Down Syndrome Association.
Patsy's was one of my sponsors to Mrs. America, and they provided me with custom made chocolate truffles with my name and title printed on the wrapper to hand out to the other Mrs. America contestants. If you're in Colorado Springs, you should stop by and visit them @ 1540 S. 21st Street.

With JoLynn, one of the owners.
With Jordan, 13 years old.
With Ryan and his siblings.
With Stormy, the Easter Bunny helper for the day.
Mike Doyle from 740 AM KVOR broadcasted live from 11-1, and he is pictured with Annette who is also another one of the owners.