Last night we all loaded up on our bus and headed out to the Rancho Valle Milagro, a beautiful mansion in Tucson, for a cocktail party. We all had a great time getting to know each other better as well as meeting Mayor Walkup and his wife again, and many other business people from Tucson's Chamber of Commerce and the Visitors Bureau. Mrs. Mississippi and Mrs. ColoradoTiffany and Michele Preparing to leave for the Fox Theater to present out state gift to the mayor. I presented Mayor Walkup with a signed Colorado Rockies baseball from Garrett Atkins, our 3rd basemen, a certificate of authenticity, and a crown pin for his wife from the Royal Image Boutique. Every year the Colorado Rockies travel to Tucson for their spring training. Mrs. Colorado, Mrs. Wisconsin, Mrs. Nebraska Michele and Tiffany at breakfast before rehearsals with Frit and Frat. Mrs. Rhode Island, Mrs. Nebraska, Mrs. Colorado, Mrs. Minnesota, Mrs. Georgia Mrs. Nebraska, Mrs. Oregon, Mrs. Colorado, Mrs. South Carolina