As the celebration of our country's independence day passes I am reminded of the heroes, from past and present, that fought to give us these precious freedoms.  I am very grateful.  We are a great country and we can all thank a veteran for their role in keeping us great.
Today I had the honor of doing a Veteran's motorcycle ride.  Veteran's in a local rehab facility were given the opportunity to take a police escorted ride around City Park in Denver.  One of my first jobs as a nurse was working in a rehab facility.  I have often found when a person is recovering from surgery or extended illness one of the most healing things is getting outside.  It lifts the spirits and reminds you that there is something outside of the same four walls.  A lot of the residents were able to take a ride in a side care, while others simply enjoyed watching all the action.  I thoroughly enjoyed talking with many of the Veteran's and getting to know a little about their personal journey. There were so many wonderful men and women that came together today to make this happen; to all the driver's, the "cheerleader's," the staff and the Denver Police Dept thanks for making this an event to remember!