Pageant Husband

We opened the blog up to our current contestants and this beautiful piece was submitted by Rich (and Cassandra) Yoder - Mrs. Park County 2020

Pageant Husband 101

by Rich (and Cassandra) Yoder

     Two years ago, my wife was ready to come out on stage for the opening number when our one-year-old son decided to attempt an escape from the pageant venue. We laugh about it now, but at the time, I couldn’t say I blamed him. There I was, in my trusty cowboy hat and Wrangler jeans, out of sorts in the glittery landscape. It was only when I saw the pure expression of joy on Cassandra’s face that I recognized the value in what we were doing. Here are my top ten reasons why a man should not only tolerate his wife entering a pageant, but also encourage her to do so.

1. It allows her to make girl friends so I can have guys’ nights. The longer we are married, the more I realize that we are, in fact, each other’s best friend. We still confide in each other. We hang out, we laugh, and we sometimes make late-night onion ring runs. However, I am never going to get my nails done with her, and she is never going to enjoy Home Depot. Thanks to the Mrs. America organization, Cassandra has made friends all across the country. When she has girl trips, I get to meet up with old rodeo friends. Win, win.

2. It gives me an opportunity to meet other dudes in different cultural niches. We live in an extremely rural area. (Our neighbors are cows.) I love pageant week because, while the wives are rehearsing, the husbands have time to get to know one another and have fun. In the past, I have done Bible studies, gone to dinner, and visited around the pool. I even had the opportunity to tour a Major League Baseball stadium.

3. I get to be her pillar of support. There’s going to come a time when her feet are tired and pre-interview jitters are kicking in. That’s when I remind her of her “why”; I tell her she is strong and capable. It feels good when she leans on me, and those moments are perfect for pep talks. We are a team.

4. The evening gown competition. I think she is beautiful in her oversized tee shirts, old sweatpants, and messy bun, but it is nice to see her all dolled up every once in awhile. The evening gown portion is my favorite. When she slowly walks across the stage, it reminds me of our wedding day, and I see the light in her eyes. Even without a crown, she is already a queen to me.

5. The swimsuit competition. Since the birth of our son, Cassandra has lost about seventy pounds. She is passionate about working out and fueling her body with proper nutrition. The swimsuit competition gives her an opportunity to showcase her hard work, as well as her fun personality. (And come on, guys, who wouldn’t want to see their wife in a swimsuit?)

6. Through community projects, it gives us the chance to teach our kids how to serve. By delving into philanthropy, we have done some cool things together as a family. We have built sheds and donated the proceeds, walked 5Ks while pulling our son in his Radio Flyer, coached Special Olympics, and attended benefit auctions. One of the most important things we want to teach our children is to use our hands to give to others. Through these experiences, we grow into better human beings.

7. I get to “MacGyver” things. It always seems that women bring an excessive amount of stuff to pageants. Butt glue, bobby pins, band-aids. You name it, they have it. While I understand this prepares them for a variety of situations, someone has to carry it all. In my experience, this responsibility tends to fall on the sons, husbands, and boyfriends. One time, I was tasked with bringing my wife’s evening gown bag backstage to her dressing room. As I was walking through the hall, it began to get heavy, so I slung it over my shoulder. Little did I know, there was a small pocket towards the top containing her matching earrings. They promptly fell to the tile and broke into what seemed like a million pieces. After a temporary moment of crisis, I used my skills, connectors, and a pair of pliers to remedy the situation. They were as good as new, and this is now one of our favorite pageant stories. (It is only one example of the many times I have been able to use my creativity.)

8. It opens the door to fun adventures. If it weren’t for pageants, I never would have gleefully watched my wife in a celebrity stick horse race. We never would have discovered the best nachos in the world. We never would have shown our artful/embarrassing dance moves at the after parties. We never would have tried many new things. We never would have done so MUCH.

9. It’s (almost) as sweet as watching your favorite sports team. Yes, you tell her the scores don’t matter. You tell her that she should be proud of how far she has come and all that she has accomplished. You yell your lungs out and clap when she comes onstage. Somewhere along the way, you become invested in her journey and have a moment of panic where you ask yourself, “Am I… a pageant husband?!” Honestly, you want her to win, but you’re okay if she doesn’t because it is about so much more than that. It is a celebration of every woman.

10. She deserves it. In their day-to-day lives, wives and mothers have so much on their plates. They are nurturers, hostesses, teachers, leaders, lovable sidekicks, and life-givers. If your wife is like mine, she rarely takes time for herself. That’s why competing in a pageant is a wonderful endeavor. It is her time to shine. We encourage you to try this experience for yourselves. We’ve never had a single regret, and our lives have been deeply enriched. Please feel free to reach out to us on social media or email Emily through the Mrs. Colorado website. This is a journey you won’t want to miss.

Smirk when you say beauty queen

I’ve started writing a “blog” entry probably five times, now. I’ve written and erased, trying to think of what I would want to say- what I want posted to the world- what I want people to know about “Mrs. Wyoming.”  As I peddled on my bike last night, sweating like a gross pig, it came to me. So, here we go. 

The smirks one gets when you tell someone you’re a beauty pageant queen, the eye-rolls that people don’t think you see, but you do- even the off handed comments about competing- They’re all done by people who could never do what you’ve done or are about to do. 

If you’re thinking about competing- you need to know that you are already braver than most. You are already stronger than most. You are already PERFECT for this role. Sure, there’s judging on stage and in the interview room, but showing up in the first place? That’s what sets you apart from everyone else. Plus, for every weird look you get from someone- you’ll be shocked to learn of the multiple more hugs, congratulations, and well-wishers from supporters you never knew would be out there.  

This post is really written for those who are on the outside looking in, thinking, “I could never do that.” Because let me tell you, YES YOU CAN. If I, a mother of 4, who had a deployed husband and thought she was too chubby to compete can do it. YOU can absolutely do it. And what’s more? You SHOULD. The journey alone teaches you so much about yourself. It also gives you the opportunity to meet women and make friends you never knew could exist. That “tribe” feeling you’re looking for? It’s here. Finding someone who truly gets you, without judgement on any level? She’s here. 

Guaranteed, there’s someone here, looking for YOU. You could be that woman who is a true friend to someone who needs it. YOU could be the inspiration someone else needs to get moving. YOU and your journey can light the path for so many others. 

Come join us. 



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Mrs. Wyoming, 2019. 

MrsWY 1.jpeg

Mrs. Adams County

We wanted to share a Facebook post from Tamara Mrs. Adams County as she returns for another year in the 2020 pageant :

Yes, I am competing in the Mrs. Colorado Again.
And the reasons are many.
If you know me you know I can be a woman of little words, or Too many words. I have been in a dramatic field half my life. As a child I was a performer. I danced all around our beautiful country and Mexico. I was a Cheerleader, I was in Drill team, I played violin, guitar and alto sax, performed with and for Disney, Competed in things in these fields, and on and on. My life story has many layers in between. There are chapters of not so great bumps and bruises, challenges, and growth. Which brings to mind; There is a song Cher sings - You haven't seen the last of me - It truly sums it all up.
When that song came out it struck a big cord. I'd play it over and over and Sing as Loud as I could! Yes, I've been there on my knees - Even worse, I had given up.
But I woke up. And when my eyes opened I knew my life had a purpose. Regardless if I would ever know what the true meaning was or Meanings were, I am supposed to be here and my job is not over.
I have always said, "I have had a blessed life", and I mean it. See, Although there have been extremely painful events, Overall, looking back I feel and see the Happy times. The blessed times which I carry with me like ribbons on my chest - The smiles and laughter are my crown.
When you read the previous of a performing girl since the age of three; One might think I should be very social … but … like many novels another chapter and the story evolves. Such are our lives.
After I married I was 'crowned' a Military Wife. I knew I had the strength to take on this MOS (military occupation code), this assignment. As time went by and my husband stepped up in rank so did our responsibilities. Along came the children and it was clear there were going to be many times I was to be in the role of single mom. We lived where we had no family and often not near a base, where I might have a support group that would understand what we were going through. The challenge was met. The last 10 years my husband's position took him away. He was in places and positions that would make your eyes pop. We here on the home front, in Colorado, became sort of segregated from many things. A type of freedom others take for granted was not ours. I kept a low profile socially to keep our family out of harm's way. My husband's position was such that we led a more silent lifestyle - very secured compared to most people who were all over social media posting their lives. We could not do such things. The children never did what their friends were up to like twitter or the like. They were ok with that, as they understood why.
I also moved my parents to Colorado; my mom was Terminally ill and I became their advocate for medical care etc. All while my husband was not at home. He has now retired and our family is a strong tight network of just us 5 in Colorado.

OK, So why as a woman over 50 did I go back to the stage? Why MRs. Colorado?
Why not? It was time. I needed to step back on a stage and get back to my roots.
Now that my husband retired from the Marine Corp. and the children off to college.
Who a I? Mom - Wife - Daughter - Tamara
*and being the only woman in a house full of boys for 25 years, had I forgotten how to be feminine?
I chose Mrs Colorado America after speaking to Emily. I felt the warm and fuzzies with her calming sweet persona. And joined a group of women who put me in awe! Amazing women! Emily the director is WOW! These classy accomplished women - these spiritual, kind hearted, strong women! And I felt like a fish out of water. Now the next part - What was my talent without my talent? Who am I without my dance? Who am I period? I have had so many, as stated, chapters in my life.
How or where do I begin?? I 'd been living in a medium sized bubble where I could not speak of many events because of security, now I needed to.
Did I mention Fifity yes - 50% of the points are interview. typically I can fly through an interview like an Eagle over the Rockies….Ummm…. but it had been a very long time since Id had to and in 3minutes how do I fit it all in?
And How can I show 'me'? Am I enough? Am I what they are looking for?
Does it matter if Im not, since I am not sure how to express ME?
I've Always seen myself as an average woman, wife, mom, daughter, and this was my challenge. Who are you and how can you fit it all into 3min.
Can I get extra points for being an awesome Military wife or Mom or Daughter? *wink wink*
Oh, & how about that swimsuit competition at the age of 50+?
So there I was - I challenged myself and jumped in.
My mother's dream was to see me wear a crown. A crown locally or nationally the bigger the better. She was always my biggest cheerleader. Before she past she was able to see me up on that stage. After 30 years
She even watched me place in the top 12. I promised her Id do it again but she past away. I did it anyway and it was awkward and painful not to have my biggest support with me - physically with me. I did the pageant without her last year, and my family supported me with so much love! But I still felt a little lost. The loss of my mom has been very hard and even though I knew she was with me in spirit - I was still off balance.
So why do it AGAIN? As a title holder you participate in and volunteer for a good number of things. And I do quite a bit of that without a crown & with a crown And you know what? It’s a fulfillment like no other to pay it forward or stretch out your hand to another in need - Its even fun. I've worked at Children's Hospitals and volunteered at fundraisers. As a family we've supported Car Shows that have a variety of nonprofit affiliations. I've sent care packages overseas to soldiers and Created phone trees, websites for families of vets overseas, and collected Toys for Tots and much more. And while some of those volunteer opportunities will always remain more picturesque than the ones I do on a monthly basis it will always feel good to give my time and resources. Mrs America Organization support Victora's Voice and this is dear to my hear as well.

YUP! I'm taking the challenge again. I'm challenging me at the age of 55 to take my novel and share it in as concise of a manner as possible. A chance to once again join my esteemed lady friends for a female bonding of the souls. to be a part of healthy competition in a program that the gracious Emily creates like a work of art. A wonderful opportunity to help another without even knowing it.
I hope you will join me in my journey. I hope you will be with me after my journey. I hope you will want to read the chapters of my novel that I cant fit into the 3 minutes. And when the dust settles and the naysayers are still chiming in, we will see our true friends, for they are the ones who will always cheer you on over and over again and never have a jealous reaction to your goals. They are the ones that remain even after the excitement of the pageant is over. In life, I may or may not go through more pageants, BUT I will remind myself that the true friends are the ones still standing when the going gets tough OR the sparkle is over. For in my heart I know this is a beautiful way to share in each other's stories and find We Are Not All so Different.
#mrscolorado #mrsamerica #me #iamenough #proudwife #dontringthebell
*wont you join me


Kick of Dinner for 2018 Contestants

We know one of the most treasured gifts from participating in the pageant is the support system and friendships developed.  We are ready to kick off these relationships early this year by hosting a Limited Seating Dinner - Tacos Tequila Whiskey.  For the currently signed up 2018 contestants, please RSVP to us - and we will send you information about the dinner.   You must be signed up to attend this event.  

We will be hosting other events that are open to the public but this one is exclusively for contestants. 

Dress for your body shape

All the former Mrs. CO America queens have different body types - just like when you are choosing the wedding dress of your dreams, you want a dress that looks beautiful on your body.  Sometimes we fall in love with a dress that is in a picture but the reality comes crashing down when we try on the dress because we have a different body type than the model wearing the dress in the photo.  Here are a few tips when choosing an evening gown:

1. Try the dress on your body.  Do not buy a dress online because the model looks incredible in the dress.  Unless you have the exact same body type and skin tone, the dress will look different. Get in the dress.

2. Follow the basic dress rules.  Some body styles look better in certain dress cuts.  Follow the rules 80% of the time and you will not go wrong. 

3. Keep the focus on you and not the dress.  Sometimes a dress over powers the gal in the dress.  You want to eyes of the judges to stay on you not the dress.  We call that the dress wore the girl vs. the other way around.  

4. You must feel beautiful.  You can ask everyone's opinion but if you do not feel like a million dollars in the dress, you never will.  Once you are onstage, you are the only person who can 'sell' the look so you must love it.  That is how ladies win a dress that sometimes people do not like - it's because they 'sold' the dress/look/themselves to the judges. 

Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble to dance at Pageant

ANNOUNCEMENT: Dream come true moment. We are honored to announce - Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble will be dancing at the 2017 Mrs. Colorado America Pageant. #mrspageant #mrsdream#cleoparkerdance 
To buy tickets find link on -

Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble is internationally esteemed as one of America’s foremost modern dance companies.   Under the direction of Cleo Parker Robinson, the Ensemble performs a dynamic body of works inspired by the African American experience and rooted in ethnic and modern dance traditions worldwide. Legendary and emerging artists alike are drawn by the spirit of the company to create works that transcend the boundaries of culture, class and age while unequivocally communicating the complexity of the human condition.  Seen by an estimated 2,000,000 fans throughout the United States and more than 20 countries on five continents, CPRDE continues to be a leader in dance innovation and the promotion of American dance heritage.


Mrs. America!

My Mrs. America experience began with a farewell dinner for my husband and love of my life.  After all, I wouldn't be a Mrs and a mom without him. Heartfelt thanks to Robert Gitre of Epicurean catering and Mario Reid from Mangia Bevi for helping me to pull off a very special evening.

Next, I was treated to a fun evening and send-off party by my Mrs. Colorado America queen sisters. I was seriously not expecting to be showered with so many wonderful gifts, especially the Poopouri :).  Above all, their words of advice and support meant the world to me and prepared me well for the days ahead.

The Mrs. Colorado America Legacy.

The Mrs. Colorado America Legacy.

This stuff is a MUST have in EVERY bathroom!

This stuff is a MUST have in EVERY bathroom!

Then I was off! The Mrs. America pageant was hosted at the beautiful Westgate Hotel. When I arrived, I could hardly contain myself as I was SO anxious to meet my AMAZING and GORGEOUS roommate Heather Fronk, Mrs. Ohio America!! Can I just say that she is even more beautiful on the inside? I absolute adore her. 

Next, it was time to meet all the other state delegates at the orientation dinner. It was so fun to finally meet the amazing ladies I had been talking to on our private FB page for weeks. 

Our official picture.

Our official picture.

Our orientation table.

Our orientation table.

I came to really love each and every one of these ladies. Each one of the delegates were incredibly inspirational to me as wives, mothers, business owners, and in all that they did in their communities. I have to say, I was intimidated by all of them!

LOVE my Delaware and Alaska!

LOVE my Delaware and Alaska!

Mormon girls unite! The only person missing is our very own Mrs. America, Natalie Luttmer.

Mormon girls unite! The only person missing is our very own Mrs. America, Natalie Luttmer.

I am proud to say I named Mrs. Kentucky, Derby. Now, she will always be our Derby girl.

I am proud to say I named Mrs. Kentucky, Derby. Now, she will always be our Derby girl.

The most beautiful woman I have EVER met. My Mrs. Minnesota Melissa Brenny.

The most beautiful woman I have EVER met. My Mrs. Minnesota Melissa Brenny.

It was quite the honor to meet the reigning Mrs. America Madeline Gwen and Mrs. World, Candace Abrams. These women are STUNNING!


The week continued as we presented our state gifts to David and Jackie Siegel, owners of the Westgate Hotel and to America's TV mom, Florence Henderson. 

The head wrap I am wearing is a traditional South African head piece given to each of us by Candace, Mrs. World.

The head wrap I am wearing is a traditional South African head piece given to each of us by Candace, Mrs. World.

One of my favorite parts of the week was the gift exchange where we each gave one another a gift that represented our state. My gift included SOCKS of course, Copper Mountain Ski Resort beanies and a Starling pin representing the motto of 'Together We Are More' from Kempe Foundation . 

After several days of bonding and fun, things got real when it became time for the interview!

The interview went surprisingly fast and was very enjoyable. Each of the judges were friendly and extremely comfortable to talk to, and I came out feeling very happy and confident that I had done well.  Before I knew it, it was SHOW TIME! Eek!

For my state costume, I chose to represent the Denver Mint as Walking Liberty on the Silver Eagle Coin. My coin didn't turn out like I was hoping, but it worked well enough. The costumes from all the state delegates were AMAZING and VERY creative. 

Next was the swimsuit and evening gown competition. I was originally going to wear my white MacDugall but opted for my champagne Walter Mendez instead. 

In the end, I did not place but that's ok because each of the women who DID deserved to be standing right where they were. I walked away with a heart filled with gratitude just to be able to represent my state of Colorado on a national stage and mee…

In the end, I did not place but that's ok because each of the women who DID deserved to be standing right where they were. I walked away with a heart filled with gratitude just to be able to represent my state of Colorado on a national stage and meet new friends for a life time.

I am so grateful to my coach, Lisa Dean for guiding me and building me up in preparation for my interview, and to my sister queen Nicki Myers for her constant support.

I am so grateful to my coach, Lisa Dean for guiding me and building me up in preparation for my interview, and to my sister queen Nicki Myers for her constant support.

Having the love and support of these amazing friends, who are my family, touched me deeply. Thanks you guys for being there for me always.

Having the love and support of these amazing friends, who are my family, touched me deeply. Thanks you guys for being there for me always.

Although I didn't leave Vegas with a new crown, I did leave with a publication award, 51 new friends, cherished memories, and a suitcase of full of brand new baby socks (which I was able to donate to Children's Hospital in Denver in their behalf). Yes, each delegate brought me infant socks in their suitcases, FOR ME. I mean, who does that?

My cherished friends from the Sock It To Em Sock Campaign foundation. Look at all the baby socks we got Phillis and Sue!

My cherished friends from the Sock It To Em Sock Campaign foundation. Look at all the baby socks we got Phillis and Sue!

I was very surprised and happy that my ad page received the 1st place publication award.

I was very surprised and happy that my ad page received the 1st place publication award.

I really truly loved my experience at Mrs. America. Even though I was completely exhausted every day and literally got maybe 3 hours of sleep each nite, I wouldn't have traded my time at nationals for anything. I came home a tired but better person because of it. 

There are SO many people to thank, and I am quite certain I will be spending several months if not years thanking each person who helped me along the way.  At the top of this list are: 

*Melyn Campbell and Limitless Worldwide,LLC for being my biggest supporters for many years and for being my official product and AD sponsor.

*Diane Lessnau of Soignee for my gorgeous evening gowns.

*Rooted Boutique and Yera Brand for my fashion wear for the week.

*Courtney Graham for letting me borrow your closet of dresses and suitcases.

*Erica Kumar for your inspiration, friendship, and jewelry!

*Daniel McDermott and Kari Kisch for my hair and makeup and for being there for me at any hour I needed.

*Lonnie Somers and Fetal Health Foundation for your generous donation, support, and friendship always.

*Scott Farish and Bravura Health for your generous donation, support, and friendship and for being the best neighbors ever.

*Phillis Shimamoto and Susan Lee for the darling delegate socks from the Sock It To Em Sock Campaign and for your friendship and support.

*Copper Mountain Ski Resort for donating 51 winter beanies.

*Victoria Gartelos and John Faught from the Kempe Foundation for the Starling pins. #togetherwearemore

*My daughter Alexa Nofsinger for being an incredibly supportive and wonderful daughter who took care of her siblings all week long so that I could be gone for a week.

Lastly to finish where I started, I thank my best friend, my soul mate, and my belayer for life, for being by my side always and for supporting me 100% in everything I have EVER done.




Mrs. Colorado America Pageant Open House This Friday

So many fun people are set to attend our Pageant Open House this Friday. Come check us out. 

Friday September 30, 2016

Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Location: 11020 S. Pikes Peaks Dr. Second Floor Parker CO 80138

Dress: We will be in business dress attire - come as you are.

We will be giving an evening gown away to one lucky attendee! Come and see how you can walk away with an evening gown.

Our Fun Peeps that will be joining us:

The Original Sewing Room - Pageant Shoes 

All Things Crowned - Interview Dresses

Rooted Boutique - Fun Casual Clothing

Soignée - Evening Gowns

Graphique Fine Art Photography 

Walk for a great cause - Pancreatic Cancer

Thank you to everyone who is joining our team! Please share this with your family and friends so we can get everyone involved. Also watch Erica Sharp Shields Mrs. Colorado on Friday June 10 on Colorado & Company and June 24 on Colorado Best to promote the walk!  If you can't make the walk, we would love your financial support. 

Join our team or donate here

Former Mrs. Colorado new Beauty Editor for Hat Trick Magazine

From Mina Muirhead - Mrs. Colorado 2013 - As many of you know I've had a lot of changes and new opportunities in the last few months. One of these is becoming the Beauty Editor for Hat Trick magazine! My first article is an introduction of myself and musings of my recent life and career transformations. The magazine is devoted to the life, career and health of women. I hope you enjoy it!

Check her out on Page 58.

The Children's Hospital Visit

So proud to be associated with my beautiful queen sisters, Children’s Hospital ColoradoFetal Health Foundation and the Marc Jr. Foundation - DIPG. The care given here for these children and their families is incredible and awe-inspiring. Please join us as we continue our effort to provide services, raise awareness, and advocate for much needed research funding.