Note from your Mrs. Colorado

Happy Holidays from Mrs. Colorado!

I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving. I know it looked different this year and while many of us would have rather been in a big group, I must say my immediate family and I had a pretty chill day. I cooked but I didn’t go overboard. We also put up our Christmas Tree which I would love to make a yearly tradition. I have so much on my mind right now that I don’t even know where to begin.

I've been saying a lot of prayers lately for those suffering. Being a hairstylist and being Mrs. Colorado means I talk to a lot of people. It seems that I am hearing of even more suffering than normal (which of course I do because we are in the middle of a pandemic). I'm hearing of younger people losing their lives to cancer and sudden death and some of my friends are losing parents. Some of this is to be expected and some is not. My thoughts are with you all.

I have so many things to be thankful for even though Jason and I have had a few unexpected blows this past couple of months. We have a family member sick with Cancer and Jason suffered a professional blow recently but we just have to keep on keeping on and be thankful we are one of the families out there that still have jobs, a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs. Its all relative to your normal and its hard to put it in perspective but I thank god daily that we are still ok, have amazing kids and are not suffering like many. Grace, Garrett and Jayce have officially been online schooling the past few weeks. Garrett is in a private school and is going back on Monday the 30th so I hope it will stay in person for a while. I used to complain that kids nowadays(yes I sound like an old fashioned soul) don’t know how to cope because they never have disappointment to deal with, but I think the last few months are proof that they are now experts on how to cope with disappointment! Ha ha.

Ok last thing on the boo hoo front…who struggles with spending quality time with their kids? I always admire the super moms who throw trivial things out the window and sit down and play legos with their kids, read with them and play dress up with them. I have never been that mom. I let all of the things that hang over my head like housework, errands and now my public responsibilities take over. Heck, I even let facebook scrolling and Instagram scrolling get in the way sometimes. I go to bed sometimes feeling like a failure and thats not good for my psyche. Wednesday, our local sledding hill was full of snow and I took a deep breath and put all my “to-do’s” in the back of my mind. I took Jayce (7) sledding and we had a great time. Such a great time in fact that we went twice that day. I placed my head on my pillow that night and felt like a good mom. I must do those little things more often. I certainly take care of my family and I love it but being able to be a kid with them sometimes goes a long way! I want them to have fun memories with me. I am better with the teenagers to be honest. I listen to rap with them and laugh about adult things but the littles are the bigger challenge for me. Im making a pact to “go sledding” more often!

I have so many fun things going on! I've been invited to participate in the COVID style Colorado Springs parade of lights next Saturday at the World Arena with Miss Colorado Springs for America Laurel Barrett. I am helping Mrs. Colorado American Sylvia Waller teach etiquette at the annual Beautillion Cotillion on December 6th along with Miss Colorado for America Juliet Abdel. I am volunteering weekly with Secor Cares, a local food bank with deliveries and I have just wrapped up a successful Coats for Colorado drive. As always I am working hard to raise awareness and funds for Treeline Pass. The first 30 people to donate this month will receive an adorable tree ornament made by their Client Cole this holiday season! I hope you will all continue to watch my interviews with Treeline Pass employees and board members! They are doing amazing things to help adults with developmental disabilities! I was invited on Thanksgiving morning to visit VFW 501 as they fed homeless veterans and the welcome I received made my heart burst. I love our veterans and appreciate them inviting me! Im very exited to compete for the title of Mrs. America January 23-30 at the Westgate resort in Las Vegas. It will be an amazing, once in a lifetime experience!

Happiest of Holidays to each and every one of you. I am so honored to represent our amazing state, Colorado!



What has Mrs. Colorado been up to?


 Hello from Mrs. Colorado!

The leaves are turning, the kids are back to school (sort of!) and my family in settling in to their new normal! I have been to some fun events the past couple of weeks and the latest was “Makeover Magic” with Patricia Belanger! Emily (Stark) and I had a nice afternoon of luncheon and fashion.  Douglas County has announced that elementary students will go back to school 5 days a week at the end of October. I am so excited for Jayce! She has always loved school but because of restrictions and being home so much, her enthusiasm is dwindling. The district has been good about safety so fingers crossed and prayers all will go well. She’s playing baseball and daddy is her coach so she has a big smile on her face all the time!
Unfortunately High Schools will stay hybrid and this is Grace’s junior year of high school. Its tough so far and I hope she is ok at college admission time. Its tough for a non-STEM kid to learn Chemistry and Algebra remote. She’s a good sport and a good kid however so I will have faith.
Garrett is doing well 5 days a week at Valor. He’s playing hockey and golf right now and I don’t know how he’s juggling it all! My family is extremely irritated that I am making them do family photos tomorrow. I swear the complaining can’t get worse. Is it seriously so hard to smile for a few pics for your dear mother? Anyone else have issues with this? Lol…. I”ll post them next time I write in. You all can determine if the smiles are real or not. Ha! Jason is plugging along in his role and is in sales…for a guy that is a salesperson by nature he is not a fan of remote selling. He really wants to be back in front of customers so I feel for him. Hopefully after the new year but we have all been enjoying having him home. I'm becoming a bit too dependent however so I hope I survive when he’s gone again!

Today we walked for Alzheimers Awareness. I asked local titleholders to join me and Mrs. Carriage Club, Quinta Mancho and Mrs. Highlands Ranch, AJ Kikumoto walked with me in honor of our sister queen Sylvia Waller and her father James Fountain who passed from this awful disease. Titleholders throughout the state walked remote to honor this lovely cause!

I will keep everyone updated with my whereabouts and I hope you are all having a wonderful fall watching hockey, basketball, football and baseball …OH MY!


Mrs. Colorado 2020

Let's chat about participating

Mina Muihead and Nicki Myers - Mrs. Colorado

Mina Muihead and Nicki Myers - Mrs. Colorado

Are you toying with the idea of competing for the title of Mrs. Colorado, but something is holding you back? It's impossible to finish a goal that we don't start. Without taking the first step, goals are just nice ideas that fail to ignite our true potential.

As the Mrs. Colorado Director, I get asked a lot of questions, especially questions about what it takes to win. There must be a magic formula right? To that I say, NO WAY! Here are some Mrs. Colorado pageant myths debunked.

Do I have to be a perfect 'Barbie Doll'?
Barbie doesn't exist. It's about who you are as a person. For more insight, read Some of My Best Friends Are Beauty Queens, by Tricia Dampier, Mrs. CO 1989.

What if I have already won another title?
We don't care what your pageant history has been. Christina Sacha, Mrs. CO 2008, held the title of Little Miss America. Shalon Polson, Mrs. CO 2010, was Miss Teen CO USA 1997 and placed in the top 10 at Miss Teen USA.
What if I'm not originally from Colorado?
We don't care where you grew up, just that you live in Colorado now and want to represent our wonderful state. Marney Duckworth, Mrs. America 2007 and Mrs. CO 2006, was raised in Nebraska and later moved to Colorado.

Do I have to be a college graduate or accomplished professionally?
Debi Moore, Mrs. CO 1994 was a stay-at-home mother and Toni Cole, Mrs. CO 1990 was a full-time student when they won. Erica Shields, Mrs. Colorado 2016 has a masters and doctorate degree in Public Health. Your life experience is what matters.

What if I didn't win on my first try competing?
Experience is gained through competing. Raeanne Smith, Mrs. CO 2000, competed for four years before winning. Lauren Campbell, Mrs. Colorado 2018 competed three times to capture the crown. Traci Holman, Mrs. CO 2001, Elisabeth Cartmill, Mrs. CO 2003, and Mette Caster, Mrs. CO 2015, all competed twice and won.

What if I'm really busy?
Busy women know how to get things done. Courtney Graham, Mrs. CO 2012 ran her household and worked full-time while raising two boys active in many different sports. We balance the title around your life.

Do you have to have children to win?
We have had several titleholders that did not have children including Jennifer Lamont in 2005, Mrs. Colorado 2019 Rachael Presler and Megan Yarberry in 2009, who also placed in the top 10 at Mrs. America.

What if I am pregnant or working on getting pregnant?
Deandre Warren, Mrs. CO 1997, was pregnant when she won. Tiffany Sawyer, Mrs. CO 2007, was pregnant during her reign. We are family at the Mrs. Colorado Pageant.

Is there a height minimum or maximum?
There are no height requirements to win. Sheri Engstrom, Mrs. CO 2004 is 5'4" and Gina Mulholland, Mrs. CO 1998 is 5'3".

Am I too old or too young?
The only age requirement is that you must be at least 18-years-old. We have had winners from 21 to 60 years old. Janet Horvath was 39 when she won in 1991, Mina Muirhead was 37 when she won in 2013. Elisabeth Cartmill was only 21 when she won in 2003. Our current Mrs. Colorado 2020 Nicole Covney is 44 years old and Mrs. Colorado American (1st runner up title) Sylvia Waller is 60 years old. Don’t let your age play into your mindset.

What if I can't afford it?
We have many sponsorship ideas including prospective business PowerPoint presentation to share with potential businesses.  Plus, we have a widely used Share the Journey program to help you cover your expenses because life is more fun when it's shared.

What if I don't fit the mold?
There is no defined mold. Blair Morgan, Mrs. CO 1991, was in the military. Janell Ames, Mrs. CO 2011, is a self-confessed tomboy and placed second runner-up at Mrs. America. Nicki Myers, Mrs. Colorado 2014, won with a short pixie haircut. Our current queen, Mrs. Colorado 2020 Nicole Covney is 44 years young.

What if I have no pageant experience?
About 70% of our contestants are "new" to pageantry. Both Amy Nugent, Mrs. CO 1996, and Sharon Nuanes, Mrs. CO 1981, won in their first year competing.

When I am gathered with my sister queens from years past or even at the Mrs. America competition just a few weeks ago, one thing I notice is that we are all so different. That's what I love about this program. As married women we all bring something unique to the pageant world.

Together, we have conquered fears, overcome challenges, discovered passions. We believe the starting line is a springboard to accomplishment and that the finish line is simply a metaphor for achievement. 

We are strong. Fierce. Able. And kind. We are destined for greatness. 

Athleta Lifetime Espirit de She

If you have more questions about competing visit our website, or leave a comment below.

Three Mrs. Colorado titleholders - Raeanne, Sheri and Christina and a Miss Colorado USA (on left)

Three Mrs. Colorado titleholders - Raeanne, Sheri and Christina and a Miss Colorado USA (on left)

Heather's Ruck - Mrs. Wyoming American

Over the last three months as Mrs. Wyoming American I have thought a lot about how to make our state more positive. Society right now is extremely stressful and that stress breeds a lot of negativity. For whatever reason, this thought has been weighing extremely heavy on me the last couple of nights. I am sure it is because once again I am traveling for work and when I’m away from the family my thoughts get even deeper. Maybe because the distractions of kiddos are less. The part that excites me is it hit me, the people in Wyoming are lifting our community each and every day. 

On September 11th I had the opportunity to highlight one of those community members, Heather Coughenour. So who is she? You see Heather was a member of the Wyoming Air National Guard. While sitting on the flightline protecting our aircraft a rogue lightning strike went through the engine of the truck she was sitting in. In that moment Heather’s life path would take a sharp detour. Instead of continuing her career with the guard she found herself looking to start over. Because of the impact of that day and her childhood, Heather knew she wanted to give back in the area of mental health. Her new goal was to help others battle mental health struggles like PTSD and anxiety. Her passion was to help others who were unable to help themselves. Heather has a heart dedicated to the forgotten individuals like the homeless in our community. 

Heather told her family she no longer wanted to be the center of attention for her birthday. She no longer wanted to receive gifts. Instead she wanted her birthday to be focused on giving back. This gave her husband the idea to ruck in honor of Heather each her for her organization of choice. This year Heather picked two organizations, Peak Wellness and the Department of Family Services. As an employee of Peak, she knew one place they could use help was by receiving travel size hygiene products to create a closet for the homeless and community members in need who didn’t have these simple items. Mike, Heather’s husband, set out to organizing what has become Heather’s Ruck. This year would be like no other as Heather’s family felt the loss of a loved one the week before the ruck but they would not be deterred. 

As we arrived Friday morning the rain was pouring down. Mike posted early to make sure everyone knew the ruck would go on rain or shine. The response was incredible! Those who were there to support Heather and her cause would not be turned away by the fact that they were about to get cold. The turn out was amazing! I was once again blown away by the incredible people we have in our community. Everyone filled their rucks and some even filled and carried two in order to get all of the donations delivered. Upon arrival it became very apparent the amount of space Heather had dedicated for the hygiene closet was not going to fit all the supplies donated. 

The outpouring of support for Heather is a perfect example of why I love living in Wyoming. I love that people in our community, like Heather, give so much in order to help others. I love how others will drop what they are doing to support others and lift them up. I was honored to get to be a part of Heather’s Ruck and look forward to making it an annual event for our family. I’m off to find more people like Heather. To help them give back and make sure they have the spotlight for lifting our community up!

'All White Affair' Girlfriends Tea with Colorado Beautillion - Cotillion, Inc

Attended the Colorado Beautillion - Cotillion, Inc 10th Annual Girlfriends’ High Tea an ‘All White Affair” We were inspired, embraced our power, and connected with powerful women.

We heard from Regina Grace - Registered Psychotherapist

Monique Flemings - Entrepreneur & Executive Director

Topazz McBride

Portia Terrell - Educator and Entrepreneur

Sylvia Waller - Mrs. Colorado American 2020

Lisa Neal-Graves - Attorney and Douglas County Candidate - unable to attend

Jice Johnson - CVO of Black Business Initiative

T.A. Porter - Certified Growth and Change Management Leader

Tabitha Jones - UNC Graduate (Go bears)

Maia Hill - Colorado Beautillion-Cotillion 2020 Co-Queen


Covney Card Front v2.jpg

Happy September everyone! I can’t believe we are embarking on fall and that I have been Mrs. Colorado for close to 2 months! Life is busy (as usual) in the Covney household and I have certainly had my fair share of panic moments the past few weeks. I'm very lucky I have a husband that has risen to the occasion and is still excited that I am representing this amazing state. He always jumps in and takes care of “stuff”. Aside from 3 kids starting 3 different schools and schedules, our son Garrett is playing 2 fall sports that have carried on so adding that to the mix is a bit NUTS! We are very exited that not only has he made the golf team for Valor Christian High School, but he just secured a spot on the J.V. hockey team as well! Our oldest daughter Grace is a junior at Rock Canyon High school and man does that girl just take care of things on her own. She has school and a job and we almost get complacent about asking her whats going on because she just always has it all under control.
How many of you are doing this whole homeschooling thing? I really liked it last spring but I'm struggling with it a bit this year. The girls are back two days a week and Garrett is 5 days a week. As mentioned before, Grace has it all taken care of but our first grader, Jayce needs us. I have days where I feel like I'm drowning with it because she’s not focused. I'm not normally the mom that easily drops what I'm doing to redirect. I just get frustrated. Last Friday after Jayce was on a 45 minute video chat with her class, she would not sit still. We knew we had a 30 minute break and then she was back on for another 45 minutes. I had to tell her multiple times to sit down and stay focused. After she hung up I said take your socks off, lets go jump on the trampoline and get the wiggles out before your next call. She was so excited because again, thats not really like me. She got her wiggles out AND by taking 15 minutes out of my tunnel vision tendencies, I felt like a better and more interactive mom. Both of our hearts were happy. My hats are off to you all that are trying to work AND help your kids with remote learning. I am a stylist that can make my own hours. I'm not sure how you all are doing it working 40 plus hours. I’m saying prayers and keeping my fingers crossed that things get back to normal soon. I have a junior that is extremely sad that her prom plans got canceled last year, no homecoming, football games, basketball games and all the other things that come along with being in high school are happening. I would love to hear your stories about how you are all handling “stuff”. We must rely on each other as women to get ideas to help make things better! Have a great week and know that I see you, hear you and feel you!!


Checking in with Mrs. Wyoming American - Randi Carpenter

I can’t believe it has been a month already! What a crazy night it was sitting at the drive-in waiting to see who would represent Wyoming and Colorado. The competition this year was definitely not like ones in the past but the production Emily created was amazing! It was so awesome being able to sit with my family and watch as it all unfolded in front of us on the big screen. Not going to lie, it’s the first time I have seen myself on a big screen and it was a nerve racking. Then the announcements came. I am not going to lie, I was a bit in shock when I heard my name and saw my picture come up on the screen. What a crazy opportunity to be the first Mrs. Wyoming American and represent our great state? After four years of competing over a ten year span I wasn’t sure it was something that I would ever see but the friends I made kept me coming back. On that fate filled night, a crown was placed on my head and it was time to start serving Wyoming!

I’ve been truly blessed over the last four weeks to be involved in some incredible things already. Time has been a challenge because my job as a navigator with the Wyoming Air National Guard keeps me moving. In fact, over the last four weeks I have found myself in three different states accomplishing a variety of missions. Although amazing, it has been busy! My love for flying though opened another door that I’m super excited about and can’t wait to share with everyone! I am currently working to earn a children’s book called Amelia Who Could Fly to donate to young women across the state to drive home the importance of chasing your dream and never giving up on what you love. The book is about Amelia Earhart and how she as a child knew what she wanted to do and did not let anything get in her way! Updates to come on how many copies I am able to earn and of course the reaction of the girls I donate them to!

Along with the book donations Mrs. Wyoming, Amanda Palmer and I were able to support the Boys and Girls Club of Cheyenne with their Back A Kid Breakfast. We had the opportunity to deliver breakfast burritos to businesses who donated to the organization but were socially distancing and watching the event over YouTube. My family supported me on Saturday and walked just shy of two miles for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. This event was near and dear to my heart as my grandpa passed away with Alzheimer’s. Not only was it personal but it is also the platform of Mrs. Colorado American, Sylvia Waller and so it was a way to support her. I have also been trying to touch base with all my supporters every two weeks by doing a live coffee time. If you haven’t tuned in or have a question you’d like me to answer please jump over to Facebook and leave me a comment on Randi Carpenter, Mrs. Wyoming American 2020.

The first four weeks have gone in a blink of an eye! Even though they have flown by I’m super excited for what I was able to accomplish and I can’t wait to keep serving our great state. So far September will have a donation ruck for Peak Wellness and the Department of Family Services. In November I’ll be up in Douglas, WY supporting Miss for Wyoming Amanda Rodriguez at the Black and White Ball for the Converse Hope Center which supports victims of domestic violence. Not to mention at some point the national competition for Mrs. American! I’m so excited and truly blessed by the amount of support I have received. Please keep sending me ways I can help our community and great state!!


Letter from your Mrs. Colorado 2020

Hello All -

I feel so blessed to have been crowned your Mrs. Colorado this year! Its been almost 3 weeks now and I am enjoying it so much! While my year will look a little different than most of the queens in years past, I still have a lot of plans. I am staying connected with weekly facebook live appearances. I’m going to get really brave next week and go live on Facebook AND Instagram! Wish me luck.  Im still looking for SOMEONE to sponsor the videography of an anti bullying video that I want to show in elementary schools. I've reached out to schools and private companies but have not yet secured anyone. Takers, takers?? Message us if so and thanks in advance.
I'm also working on getting the word out about adult day programs for the developmentally disabled. Im working closely with to raise funds for their services. Most kids go to college, vocational school or work after they complete high school. Unfortunately without formal training or life skills, those with autism for example do not. This is where adult day programs come in.  I hope you will all follow me in my quest to help my friends and even participate in their virtual game night fundraiser that is posted on their website! August 27th, Be there or be square!
We live in odd times. I feel very blessed to have a husband that is still working and equally blessed since he’s no longer traveling for work, that we truly still like each other (most of the time) ha!  Grace, Garrett and Jayce are having similar summer days to mine as a kid growing up in the 80’s and 90’s. BORING! Haha. The only difference is I didn’t need a reservation to go to the pool and I rode my bike there daily. There is uncertainty about school and what the next few months will bring. I have two teenagers going to two different high schools and I feel like I'm in some weird social experiment because one is back full time and one, only two days a week. Im hoping they both end up academically “ok”. Im scared for my first grader that had just gotten really good at reading and now has regressed. Jason and I as parents need to make a pact that we will both work with her more to ensure her success, as she too will only be back at school 2 days a week. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around a schedule again also. We have spent 10 years in divide and conquer mode with sports and school and then it all came to a halt in March. This mama needs to get organized and start utilizing her calendar again, waking up early to exercise, and drinking more water than coffee to stay hydrated and alert! Who’s with me??  
I reflect daily on my blessings and realize how bad some have it right now with uncertainty circling their lives. Sometimes with that uncertainty comes depression and the feeling of despair and I feel you. Make sure to take care of you, however that looks. Some choose exercise (thats my “go to” when Im feeling stressed), speaking to a close friend or family member, speaking to a counselor or even just locking your door, turning the music up and screaming! Even a big deep breath can help to reset. Goodbye for now, Ill check in often!

Lots of love,


2020 Queens Crowned

We have officially crowned our 2020 queens - COVID style.

Mrs. Colorado® 2020

Learn a small piece about the newly crowned Mrs. Colorado 2020 - Nicole Covney!

Our new title in the Mrs. America Organization is Mrs. Colorado American. She is the 2nd highest scoring lady in the pageant who will advance on the compete for the Mrs. American pageant. The winner of the Mrs. American will advance on to Mrs. World pageant. Our new Mrs. Colorado American 2020 is Sylvia Waller.

Miss Colorado for America 2020 is Juliet Abdel.

May the 4th with Miss Denver for America!

From Miss for Denver 2020, Jody Touchton:

May the 4th be with you today my friends! I’m not embarrassed to admit I’ve been a Star Wars geek since childhood. Interestingly, Star Wars fans weren’t the first to recognize today to honor the epic sci-fi series.  The day actually has been around since May 4, 1979, when Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and her party’s advertisement in the London Evening News said:  "May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie. Congratulations."

In other sci-fi scenarios, I know many of us feel like we are living in a sci-fi movie with Coronavirus, strange news, and economic uncertainty.  And as we all try to do our part to “quarantine,” I find it serendipitous that today is exactly 40 days from the implementation of Colorado’s “Shelter at Home” order.....especially since the etymology of the word comes from the Italian word quarantina meaning forty days.  

I’ve learned some interesting things about myself these past 40 days including finally confirming a theory I’ve had that I might be an introvert.  While it’s something I’ve suspected for a long time, the pressure to keep the hamster wheel rotating all these years for fear of disappointing the people and causes I care about has significantly impacted my ability to rest and recharge.  It wasn’t until I was given a “free pass” with the quarantine, that I began to feel lighter from temporarily hanging up the heavy coat of responsibility I was wearing.  

Author Eleanor Brown best explains this new freedom I’m experiencing with her wise words, “Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

So when the 2020 Miss for Colorado and Mrs. Colorado titleholders were recently given the opportunity to document the creative and inspiring ways they were using their quarantine time, I was less than enthusiastic to share how much I’ve enjoyed being a complete homebody doing nothing.  I am happy to report however, that when we all return to some form of “normal,” I will indeed be ready to serve again as your Miss Denver.  

In the meantime, I created a recap video of the wonderful organizations I’ve had the honor of serving these past several months and the amazing fellow titleholders I’ve met and become friends with.  I hope we’re allowed to hug each other during pageant week from July 8th-11th! There’s still time if you’d like to join us......May 29th is the deadline to participate! 

Life's Perspective by Mrs. Lone Tree

As I sit on my bike in my gym (my basement for now) my mind starts thinking. I start thinking about where I was this time the past few years. I realize I had been on a roller coaster for at least the last 4 years and I remember I was always hoping for more time. I wanted time to slow down, to give me more days to stay home and relax with my fur babies instead of leaving them every few weeks. I wanted more one on one time with my husband Mark. I wanted more time to accomplish my goals. As I am riding my bike I look around. The neighbors dog, Jasper, is running around his yard happy as can be. I smile because I know he is old and to see him like that is awesome! I then see my two babies, Scuderia and Bimmer sleeping next to me and my husband sending me pictures of his walk with the baby, Bentley. 

Then, it hits me! My wish had been granted!! I finally have time....

Covid-19, Corona Virus, Social Distancing, Masks, PPE.....these words will be forever tattooed in our minds. We will never forget, this is the reason why not just me but you have time right now. 

Now we can take this time we have and dwell on it, protest in the streets for our governor to open us up OR we could look at life's perspective in a different way. I want to share my perspective and maybe help you see yours in a positive way.

In the last month I knew I could not just let day after day go by without feeling a sense of purpose. So, I do what I do best, help others. I collected food for senior living facilities, I make Easter baskets and shopped for friends and family that needed it. I made cookies, I hosted a virtual birthday party, I even joined my HOA Corona Virus Block Coordinator position. Yes these are all good things to do in time of need, (and I don't regret any of it), but I was being selfish. Not to others, but to me. You are probably saying "really Jamie?" Yes really! 

You see, I have always been the first person to volunteer my time and efforts to making a difference where ever I could. I probably always will. It's in my DNA. I learned though in this time that I have to take time for me. Everyone needs time to reflect on themselves. When is the last time you did? It is ok to take time to do what you want for you! It can be sleeping in, taking a hot bath with your favorite glass of wine or whatever everyone else likes to drink. lol, wash that hair girl, do your makeup, read a whatever your sweet heart desires. Don't let a worldwide epidemic make you realize you need to take time for you. always do it. You get one life, live it to the fullest! 

I believe the roller coaster I was on the last few years has me thinking this way today. I am so very blessed to not be sick with the virus, but make no mistake that I have had my fair share of health problems. My roller coaster consisted of Thyroid Cancer (18 months of treatment and healing), learning how to deal with all of life's daily struggles during that time and trying to figure out who I was. The ups and downs made me turn to myself and really appreciate the cancer for making me see how strong I really am. I finally recovered and then needed back surgery. Again, I was tested physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This path was meant for me, but it showed me once again my strength and my purpose.

Don't loose sight of your dreams, passions, purpose and living life. We all have it within us to make everyday count. With the time you have, do something with it. Find joy in every day. 

As we continue to go through our states lockdown and try to accept life as it is for now, try to find gratitude in your struggles. Its because of this your true strength will show. Better days are coming. 

To all my pageant sisters, stay strong, stay home and be happy!


Jamie Klenin-Mrs Lone Tree 2020

2020 Pageant Details

As the pageant is set for July 8-11, 2020 at the beautiful Ellie Caulkins Opera House in the Denver Performing Arts Complex - we are excited to share some of the weekend design elements with you. As you might know, last year, the Mrs. America Organization added a new division for the ladies that are not currently married. The division includes widows, divorced, separated, single and never married ladies with no age restrictions. As we enter into the second year celebrating not only our married women in Colorado and Wyoming, we celebrate the unattached ladies. We are still accepting applications to participate in the 2020 pageant so if you are interested at all, call us and let’s chat! You never know what could happen.

We will kick off pageant weekend with a Pink Party Orientation. Then you will see the contestants participate in a conservative one piece black swimsuit with full length sarong and evening gown of their choice during the Preliminary Pageant on Thurs…

We will kick off pageant weekend with a Pink Party Orientation. Then you will see the contestants participate in a conservative one piece black swimsuit with full length sarong and evening gown of their choice during the Preliminary Pageant on Thursday July 9, 2020. Earlier in that day, all ladies will have spent time individually with the panel of judges in interview as that accounts for 50% of their score. The ladies will be in rehearsals on Friday and then Saturday everyone will head to the theater. On Saturday night, you can watch the ladies participate in the Pageant where the new queens will be crowned. We will crown Mrs. Colorado 2020 and Mrs. Wyoming 2020 along with our new division queens - Miss Colorado for America 2020 and Miss Wyoming for America 2020. This year we also offering the married ladies an opt in opportunity to participate in a new title - Mrs. Colorado America World 2020 and Mrs. Wyoming America World 2020. You will see a handful of ladies lives change as they embark within our community making their own personal mark. Will you be on stage too?

Pageant Tip

Spring Pageant Tip Match your competition hair to evening gown high neck gown, needs hair back While a simple V neck looks great with hair down..jpg

Pageant Tip: When you plan your stage competition hair style - choose a style that matches your evening gown. Often times people look at the previous winners hair and mimic their style. That is not always the best idea - finding a style that makes you feel beautiful, matches your evening gown and looks good on stage with stage lights is important. You do not want a hairstyle that looks too casual for the gown. So once your gown, play dress up. Put on a full face of make up and try different styles and take a picture of each style. Then print them. Hang them on your wall. Look at them and determine what each look conveys - using adjectives only. So does it look elegant? Casual? Sophisticated? Messy? Then determine what look you are going for. This is why pageantry is so subjective as the adjective used to describe the look varies. Find and own your look.

Why participate in the pageant?

This beaituful post is from our current Mrs. Colorado - Rachael Preselar.

My TOP 10 LIFE TIPS I’ve learned this year 👇🏼

One year ago I was crowned Mrs. Colorado, one of the most memorable moments of my life❤️ and within this year, I have learned so many nuggets about life, pageantry and myself.

1. Always schedule your self-care as a priority during the week, and never feel guilty about it🧘🏻‍♀️🛁 🏃🏿‍♀️ You can’t pour from an empty cup and you can’t be the best you can be, if you don’t put your self-care first . For the longest time, I would feel guilty about it but I learned that I get burnt-out & exhausted if I don’t schedule it in my calendar at least once a week.

2. AUTHENTICITY always wins, you can’t wear a mask 24/7 and sustain it 🦸🏻‍♀️ Just like trying to keep up a lie, trying to be someone else is exhausting. The right people will love you for you ❤️

3. Don’t allow toxic relationships in your life, if you have them cut that cord! ✂️ Give yourself full permission to only allow people in your life who ignite a spark in you & help you shine even brighter 🕯 toxic people just rob energy out of you.

4. The crown to me is like a “thinking cap” 👑 what can I do to help make an impact with this platform? Same thing like a new job title or a promotion, you should always ask yourself “how can I make this world a little better?”

5. Everyone is always watching you even when you’re not looking. Always have integrity wherever you go, even when you’re not wearing the banner, the crown, your make-up, the heels...

6. You are always doing the best you can. You can’t fix everything so be flexible.

7. Your body goes through different sizes & THATS OK. Our bodies evolve over time, and yes it’s not where you want it to be or you try to force it to look like it used to when you were younger. Just embrace the change & love your body for what is has done for you instead of what it looks like.

8. Be kind ❤️ no matter who are talking to, every human being deserves respect & kindness even if they’re throwing hate your way. Only hurt people hurt people. Kindness always goes a long way & might be a teaching lesson to someone who needs it.

9. Don’t spend your time comparing your Chapter 1 to someone’s Chapter 20...we all have different timelines with its own challenges, but all happen in perfect timing for YOU. Trust your journey is happening in perfect timing.

10. Be unapologetically you & do it your way ❤️



Limited edition calendar featuring the local titleholders. A local titleholders are the ladies that represent their city as they qualify to compete for the state title like Mrs. Colorado or Mrs. Wyoming or Miss Colorado/Wyoming for America. Order your calendar now for a pageant weekend pick up.

CO & WY Queens.jpg